The Kandivli police have arrested a housekeeping staffer of Shatabdi Hospital at Kandivli for allegedly filming a woman doctor in the bathroom of the staff quarters. The arrested accused has been identified as Jayesh Solanki, 40. The cops have arrested Solanki, seized the mobile phone and also the objectionable video. According to police sources, Solanki, had been allegedly stalking the doctor for a long time. The doctor, who resides in the hospital staff quarters with other female doctors, was allegedly filmed on Tuesday morning.
The incident occurred while the doctor was taking a bath. She noticed a hand near the bathroom window holding a mobile phone, seemingly recording her. Frightened, she began screaming for help. Her colleagues rushed to her aid and apprehended Solanki. Upon checking his mobile phone, they found a four-minute video of the doctor taking a bath, according to an officer involved in the case.
The victim and her colleagues immediately informed the hospital authorities and the police. The Kandivli police quickly arrived at the hospital and detained Solanki.
“Based on the victim`s information, we have registered a case under Section 77 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, which pertains to capturing images of a woman engaging in a private act in circumstances where she would have a reasonable expectation of privacy,” said senior police inspector Dyaneshwar Ganore of Kandivli police station. “The accused, who is employed as a sweeper at Shatabdi Hospital, has been arrested,” he added.