The Pydhonie police arrested Ruksana Shaikh, the wife of the victim, on Wednesday night for her alleged involvement in the murder of Arshad Shaikh. According to the police, Ruksana was having an affair with Jay Chawda, one of the accused in the murder. Jay was arrested at Dadar station after being stopped by a police officer while carrying Arshad’s body in a suitcase. “She played an active role and had been in a relationship with Chawda for about a year,” said the police officer. The police also suspect that the murder was planned, as the deceased was invited to a party shortly before the crime took place.
The cops formed a team of four interpreters and police officers have been struggling for the past 24 hours to ascertain the motive behind the brutal murder, who was killed by his childhood friends in Pydhonie. The investigation revealed that Arshad and the accused, Shivjeet, had also fought six months ago. “The interpreter mentioned that they had a dispute six months ago over a video and money-related matters. We are also conducting a technical investigation,” said the police on condition of anonymity.
According to the police, on the day of the incident, the accused Shivjeet allegedly video-called Jagpalpreet Kamal Singh and an unidentified woman while committing the murder. “We are still trying to understand why they were calling people from the same WhatsApp group,” the police said. Jagpalpreet Kamal Singh resides in Brussels, Belgium, and is originally from Punjab.
The police have discovered a WhatsApp group involving the accused, the deceased, and other individuals. “We are interrogating two people who allegedly sent videos of the killing to the WhatsApp group. We are investigating the matter,” said the police. The police have found several videos involving the deceased and the accused. “Since all the people involved are deaf and mute, they used video calls and used sign language. We are investigating the conversations among the trio and others,” said the police.