The mastermind behind Guru Waghmare’s murder, Santosh Sherekar, owner of the Soft Touch Spa, allegedly paid a contract of R12 lakh to the two accused. Of this amount, R6 lakh each was distributed among the two killers. The Worli police will investigate whether Waghmare’s girlfriend, Mary Joseph, was promised any money after the killing of the city’s Ghajini. The police have recovered Rs 9,81,500 from the duo. Sherekar had approached Firoz and Saqib Ansari as “contract killers”.
Sherekar had approached Firoz and Saqib Ansari as “contract killers.” He reportedly told the duo, “Waghmare ka game bajana hai,” and made an advance payment of Rs 2 lakh to Firoz. Firoz then contacted Saqib and, with Mary’s help, they tracked Waghmare’s daily activities for over 10 days. “We are interrogating Sherekar and Mary; however, they have not confessed whether Mary was paid to commit the crime. We suspect that Mary might have been offered some money after the crime was committed,” said the police officer.
Guru Siddappa Waghmare, police informer and alleged fake cop and extortionist
According to the police, Firoz was paid Rs 4 lakh, and Saqib was allegedly paid Rs 6 lakh. The police have recovered a scooter, cash and the murder weapon. “After stabbing Waghmare, Firoz and Saqib abandoned the scooter a few kilometres away from the spa. We seized the vehicle and found cash wrapped in a napkin, a raincoat, a knife, and a helmet,” said a senior official from Worli police station.
The police suspect that other accused individuals might have been paid for their involvement in the crime. “It’s unclear whether Shamshad Ansari and Mary, the accomplice in the crime, received any money to commit the crime,” said the police. A technical investigation will be conducted to determine if any other accused are involved. The police will look into the activities of the 22 people whose names Waghmare had tattooed on his thighs. “We are investigating the CDR records to determine if any additional persons are implicated in this crime,” said the police.
The deceased’s wife Manisha in front of a poster of her husband
The public prosecutor, while seeking three-day custody extension, stated that Waghmare was brutally murdered, noting puncture wounds across his neck. “We seek the custody of the accused for three days,” said Public Prosecutor Ravindra Patil in court. The accused have been granted police custody until August 3.